Thank you again for shooting with us. We really appreciate that you have a choice in photographers. We are CONSTANTLY working to be one of the top photography providers anywhere and want to provide you with some fantastic tools and extras to make your experience with us AFTER the shoot as great is it was working with us during the shoot.
So let's take a moment to walk through how you are going to be able to view and access photos from the shoot.
Depending on the nature of our project, we may have created a public and/or a private photo gallery for sharing or viewing images.
The client gallery will usually require you to login by providing your name and email address and then a password. The password may be for a parent gallery/group (and apply to one or more sub galleries) or each individual shoot may have its own password (especially if it was a group project). The private gallery allows you to:
The Public Gallery is where you will go to share the photos. Our site has tools built in to help make sharing articles about the photos easier without losing the ability to protect your images from being illegally copied or printed. We have disabled the print ordering on the public galleries because we didn't want random strangers purchasing your photos and printing them (weird / creepy), and because when it comes time to print, you will want to print only the best quality images on the best paper from the best labs anywhere (not poor quality prints on bad quality paper from the local drug store).
Some of the features we have available on our public galleries to help you share the images include:
These are just a few of the features we have made available to you on our website through the Public and Private galleries in order enhance your experience working with us. We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have about any of these or other features. Thank you again for choosing Adágio Images.